He DID Say He Wanted To Be Like Marlon Brando - Russell Crowe Is Superman's Daddy

In what appears to be simultaneously an attempt to add more acting cred to the production and deflect those toxic Green Lantern reviews, word has leaked to the latest name-actor to join The Man of Steel, the Zack Snyder-directed, Christopher Nolan-produced Superman reboot for next Christmas.
Variety says Russell Crowe will portray Jor-El, the wise, but ultimately doomed father of Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El (Henry Cavill).
Great power-house actor, legendary hot-head and hey, he even once sung about how he wanted to be like Marlon Brando. And he's already got the weight and acting prowess. Interestingly, Crowe is also in need of a hit himself as audiences seemed to have waned from him over the years. Gotta say I love the Hell outta this choice.
Reader Comments (2)
Snyder can do no wrong in casting. I just wonder why WB always seems to release Superman news when they have bad press.
Great choice for jorel.