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    Hobbit Films Date & Title Announcement

    I wasn't sure if what the heck was going to happen with these Hobbit films. I was wondering if the first part might not even drop until 2013, but here we are with an announcement telling us that we get to see ugly little Hobbit feet as early as 2012.

    New Line Cinema & The Brothers Warner along with MGM have announced that "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" will launch on December 14, 2012. The 2nd part, "The Hobbit: There and Back Again" is set for December 13th, 2013. Wannabe Hobbits rejoice.

    I'm not huge on the titles, when put up against something like "Return Of The King" they sound more like Robert B. Parker's Spencer mystery novels rather than an epic tale. I do love me some Robert B. Parker though.

    The question is, what does this mean for "Superman: Man of Steel"? Everything we've read officially has mentioned a December 2012 release for Supes. Now not only is Star Trek 2: The Search For A Script heading to the holiday season, WB's own Hobbit is going to tug on Superman's cape?

    After what happened with "Superman Returns" at the box office, making really good bank but not great, hard to believe WB would be taking money away from it's own character. On the other side of the argument, we saw "Avatar", "Sherlock Holmes", and the "Squeakuel" co-exist in December 2009.

    Should be an interesting Christmas.

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