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    « 'Mortal Kombat: Legacy' - Episode 4 | Main | Look Who Showed Up on The Hobbit Set? »

    Spider-Man Versus Pajama-Man!

    The website Pink is the New Blog (I know I'm the guy with the site called Think McFly Think, but really?) has some snap-shots of Welshman Rhys Ifans presumably walking around the set of The Amazing Spider-Man. Unless he likes to walk amongst average folk with his face covered for no utter reason like Michael Jackson used to.

    Hey, we knew the web-slinger reboot was going to be cheaper than the Sam Raimi productions but this is ridiculous!

    Sorry, but yeah it appears Marc Webb & Co. are going for some practical effects on set such as make-up which is always a good thing in my never-so-humble opinion.

    Reader Comments (3)

    I too like they are going for some or partial pratical effects/makeup for lizard. Can't wait to see how it looks.

    05-3-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    I'm looking for a great quotes that i can use on my everyday task and duties. Lucky enough to drop by on your blog. Thanks. gdpgvm gdpgvm - red bottom shoes.

    10-24-2011 | Unregistered Commenterrtsciw rtsciw

    I'm going home tonight to take a pick, i'm very excited about this (clearly you see how sad and crazy i am about shoes.) Will post the picture wezwzl wezwzl - supra for kids.

    12-15-2011 | Unregistered Commenterggwdib ggwdib

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