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    Excelsior! Stan Lee Blows His Amazing Spider-Man Cameo

    As old as time itself comes the tradition that Stan Lee must cameo in every Marvel production. A rule that apparently the filmmakers of X-Men: First Class didn't honor. Those bastards...

    But Stan the Man remains undeterred and at the Dallas Comic-Con this weekend (as found by Superhero Hype) blew his bit part in The Amazing Spider-Man:

    Personally, I'm looking forward to when Marvel and Disney reach the bottom of the barrel and do a Marvel Zombies movie. Mr. Lee can play a random human whose brains get eaten by Chris Hemsworth and Robert Downey Jr. Excelsior!

    Reader Comments (1)

    Sounds like a good cameo, can't wait to see it. But I do recall hearing news of what his cameo was to be a few months back.

    05-23-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

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