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    Robert Zemeckis Possibly Returning to Time-Travel for Replay

    I'd really hate for after all this talk about getting back into the live-action straddle, at the end of the day, Robert Zemeckis says, "Nah! I'm gonna do another motion-capture movie!"

    Knock on wood that isn't the case because, as we all know, Zemeckis needs to drop that crap. He tried for a decade, wasted a lot of time and money (including his own) and now it's time to move on. Judging by the last development, perhaps he realizes that too? We shall see.

    In addition to the drama Flight, Vulture reports he's in "serious talks" to helm Replay, a time-travel related project set up at Paramount. The story, based on the '87 novel from Ken Grimwood, centers on a man in his early 40s dropping dead of a heart-attack in 1988. But he somehow finds himself back in 1963 in his 18 year-old self with the memories of his life intact and he thereby goes about reliving his life, and eventual death...over and over again.

    Based on their Intel with Flight's development (the participation of Denzel Washington remains in the "hazy" stage), Replay could wind up being Zemeckis' latest endeavor. Just based on their descriptions (although they both sound great) I'd prefer Flight, but I'm fine with Replay as long as Zemeckis isn't bullshitting us with his attempt to work with real-live actors again.

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