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    « First Look: Napolean Dynamite TV Show | Main | Weekend Box Office: May 13-15 »

    Promos For Alcatraz, The Finder, Terra Nova And More!

    It's been a busy night when it comes to promos for forthcoming TV shows, so lets jump straight in!

    First up is Alcatraz from JJ Abrams, now this one actually almost didn't get picked up but judging from the trailer it looks like it could be really cool, kind of has a LOST meets Fringe vibe.

    Next up is The Finder, which is a spin off from Bones, the title is admittedly a turd but the show looks like fun and Fox will be desperately hoping this will see a heavy run over of Bones fans.

    Terra Nova carries big expectations due to the involvement of Steven Spielberg, the promo features the same closing moneyshot that is in the two prior promos for this, basically coming off as Lost World the TV show..

    From NBC we have a promo for The Playboy Club, a show that looks slick and like it belongs on cable, the period setting is sweet but I don't see this being a big hit.

    Grimm is the latest from the Buffy and Angel team sans Joss Whedon, I didn't really have any interest until I saw the trailer but it may just catch on, however the premise has an equal chance of growing old fast, it definitely carries the Buffy vibe.

    Last but not least we have the promo for the US remake of Prime Suspect starring Maria Bello. I never watched the original so I can't compare, but the central theme of a tough woman in a man's job seems a bit redundant at this point, where it was fresh back in the Helen Mirren original. I also wonder if they are going to boil the cases down to one episode for the ADD audience.


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