News, Rumors & 100% Grade-A Internet Bullshit - April 6, 2011

- If you're Andy Serkis and you've completed all your work on The Hobbit, what do you do now while everyone else keeps chugging along for the rest of 2011 and next year shooting? According to Heat Vision, help out Peter Jackson and take the brunt of second-unit photography over. Clever li'l way of keeping him around set (in the likely event of reshoots) and gives him a learning curve with 3D cameras as well as moving into directing on his own.
- While their leader Moe is still TBD, Variety reports Sofia Vergara is in talks to join The Three Stooges for Bobby and Peter Farrelly. The Modern Family star would play the female lead who will no doubt be the object of desire for Moe (*Shrugs*), Larry (Sean Hayes - I'm game, but it's taking time to sink in) and Curly (Will Sasso). Once again, good old Shemp gets the screw job.
- How do we know James Bond (2)3, thankfully with Daniel Craig turning up for his junior turn, for real? Because MI6 says the Broccolis and director Sam Mendes are currently in South Africa searching for filming locations. All power to the South African film-crews and local economy reaping the benefit of a massive, multi-hundred-dollar-production and all. But you know, they'll likely shoot in multiple countries, as is customary for that franchise, and I'll say it right here: come back to New Orleans. We've missed 007 since Live & Let Die.
- To be fair, this isn't on the level of awesomeness as having Syd Mead as your production designer. For us nerds, our ticket is as good as sold on that alone. But as per Variety, director Neill Blomkamp has tapped on the shoulder of character actor extraordinaire William Fichtner to join his newest sci-fi epic Elysium. One of the few flicks I'm genuinely looking forward to every nugget of information that gets out. Would love see the designs being cooked up for this.
- In no way does this suddenly spike its chances to click at the box-office. Not a shred of doubt in me, this is the bomb of the summer. But you know what? I get it; the big decision-makers think that by slapping on the brand-name that will strike up audience awareness. Comic Book Movie (I know! Who'd have thunk it? But they deserve credit here) and /film (who verified the item) say 20th Century Fox has changed the title for Rise of the Apes to Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Yeah...I'm indifferent about it too.
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