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    Full-Retard Rumor of the Day: Lindsay Lohan Up for Superman...Again?

    I shan't waste too much time on this one nor will I even link to the offending site.

    A few months back a "rumor" surfaced that Zack Snyder, the Nolans and Warner Brothers/Legendary Pictures/DC were desperate (or certified stupid) enough for star-power on Superman: The Man of Steel that they were considering Lindsay Lohan for a role. Remember back in those care-free days of 2003 and 2004 when her career showed oh, so much promise? It reeked of bullshit back then, and this "update" stinks just as bad. Even a dumbass like me knows how bad this smells.

    Why bother covering it then? Probably because I'm in a bad mood and feel like ridiculing the stupid and hit-whoring types; maybe my blood sugar is too high right now (if that's possible from having half a bowl of Cheerios this morning with 2% milk and sugar-free coffee).

    The problem here is easy. She isn't exactly insurable in her current state, and if you read the tabloids, might have her constantly-misdemeaning ass going to the slammer in August; the same time the Superman reboot starts production. Then that's the li'l matter of them even wanting her, and having to deal with her well-documented unprofessionalism on set, to begin with.

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