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    The Awesome Elizabeth Banks Gets Role in The Hunger Games

    As the title suggests, I dig Elizabeth Banks and I’d love to think one of these days she'll move past the "Hey, it's that person!" phase of her career and general audiences will know her by name. Thus setting the stage for her rise to stardom. Alas I don’t think that's going to happen.

    She'll have to settle on getting steady work in supporting turns in comedies, dramas and what not while the less-talented types (that is to say, most actresses who aren't Elizabeth Banks) get all the press and plum roles. Fuckers – as much as I love Amy Adams as Lois Lane, and what brilliant casting was that, damn was Banks pitch-perfect for that role?

    Anyway, Variety reports Banks is in talks for the highest profile film of her career, up to this point, with The Hunger Games. The film adaptation of the popular book trilogy is mounting up for a release next March with a solid slate of actors in the leads (Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth), a good director (Gary Ross) and writer (Billy Ray) pulling the strings.

    Banks will play "flaky bureaucrat" Effie Trinket.

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