Yep, We're Getting a New Krypton in The Man of Steel

Yesterday, we heard Diane Lane spill the beans of The Man of Steel being the origin story for this new Superman film series.
By simple process of elimination, that would mean we're going to see a new version of Krypton and some big-name actor following the tradition of Marlon Brando reading his lines off a baby's diaper as Jor-El. Latino Review says we can expect just that when the Zack Snyder-directed reboot drops next Christmas.
Confirming a scoop originated down-under from Movie Hole, they also state Daniel Day-Lewis was said prestigious thespian being looked for Supes' wise, but doomed, daddy.
Were they able to secure the two-time Oscar winner (quite the accomplishment if pulled off, given his renowned pickiness), he would have truly been the first actor to get "Holy shit!" reactions from people since Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton's Batman and, you guessed it, the afore-mentioned Brando in Richard Donner's Superman. That kind of news would have gotten my old man to call me up, "Did you hear they got Daniel Day Lewis for a new Superman? Then it must be good if he's in it!"
Additionally, they've received word that General Zod's "right hand bitch" (Kelvin's words, not mine; although it made me laugh) isn't Ursa as we all assumed but in fact Faora. A villainess from the comics...who was the influence of Ursa in the Donner films. So, basically they're trying to have their cake and eat it too?
"Whaaaaaat? We're not just remaking the Dick Donner Superman movie! We're gonna use Faora, instead of Ursa. See, that's totally different!"
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