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    Josh Brolin On "Jimmy Kimmel Live!"

    Josh Brolin visited “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Tuesday night to promote his seven minute and five second role in “True Grit.” The two shared their mutual dislike for Brolin's co-star and Kimmel's arch nemesis, Matt Damon, plus Brolin revealed how many actresses tested for the role Hailee Steinfeld would eventually fill. Take a look at the original girl cast in True Grit’s special DVD extras clip below.

    Also make sure take a look at the rest of Brolin’s interview in which he talks exclusively about President Clinton loaning his personal copy of “W.” to President Bush for viewing.

    “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” airs weeknights on ABC at 12:05 a.m. ET/PT and will move to its new time of MIDNIGHT beginning Thursday, February 3.

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