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    Dumber Harder: Farrelly Brothers Developing 'Dumb' Sequel

    Doesn't speak to how much I've matured that re-watching Dumb & Dumber about a year ago, I still laughed. But what can I say? It's one of those films like Airplane! and The Naked Gun that appeals to the ten-year-old inside all of us.

    It just so happens I was that age when it was released back during Christmas 1994 and indeed I frequently rented the VHS copy at our local Mom & Pop video stores. All the lines ("Gas man. How the Hell do they know I have gas?") and gags like Lloyd slipping a laxative in Harry’s tea ("For fast effective relief!") sent myself and buddies at school into hysterics.

    In what's more likely than not a case of going back to the well after a string of misfires including this weekend's Hall Pass, the Farrelly Brothers are in the early stages of development for a Dumb & Dumber sequel, reports Movie Hole. As Bobby Farrelly, half of the writing/directing duo explained:

    "[Dumb and Dumber] has run a bunch of times on TV in the states, and kids will come up and they'll be able to quote lines from that – lines that I’ve long forgotten. If we could get those two guys back together, Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels that might be a worthwhile sequel – and that ball is in motion. We’re starting to think about what those two dimwits would be doing twenty-years later in life, and hopefully we’ll be able to come up with something worthy of a sequel."

    Since Jim Carrey's career has been going South the past decade, it wouldn't surprise if he's easier to commit than back in the late 90s. Daniels always struck me more as a team-player. So apprehending him I couldn't imagine being an issue.

    In honor of this development may I present CNN mistakenly (so they claim) showing the diarrhea scene:

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