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    Daniel Day-Lewis To Drink Superman's Milkshake

    Earlier in the evening Heat Vision broke the news that Viggo Mortensen was a "person of interest" for the upcoming Superman flick that I have decided I am going to call "Superman Starts". It was either that or "The Adventures Of Superman". The roll that Mortensen is supposedly up for is none other than Mr. Planet Houston himself, Zod.

    Our friends over at Moviehole, after reporting said news and rightfully taking a jab at the Zod redux idea, revealed another contender. According to them, Daniel Day-Lewis is also being considered for a role in "Superman Starts" and they have come to the conclusion that it is General Zod.

    I have to agree with Moviehole here. This doesn't sound all that original, granted it is all in the delivery. Didn't "Superman Returns" essentially remake "Superman: The Movie" while at the same time, act as a vague sequel? Is "Superman Starts" aiming at the same thing, just wearing a different costume? Hard to tell at this stage, because we have so little info, but if it walks like Ursa and smells like Zod...

    Reader Comments (6)

    Haven't there been some fans demanding Lewis as Lex? Maybe this is their shot....

    02-26-2011 | Unregistered CommenterKal-El Fan

    well with a different story, background and all that. they can make it be different then the donner superman movie. though i would personally like to see a different villain use myself. or what if zod isnt the only villain in the film. what if for example they did a pairing with zod and say brainiac.

    02-26-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    Do they know that WB and company want Daniel Day Lewis as a possibility for General Zod? Or do they assume it's for General Zod? Cause they say that WB wants him in it "too." That "too" to me makes me think it's another role and not the role of General Zod. Cause if say Day Lewis is their second choice (why would he be second to Viggo anyway?) for General Zod, why didn't The Hollywood Reporter say so. That's a pretty big scoop right there.

    02-26-2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

    Well...I think the question has been answered for you Rocco. It's possible that Hollywood Reporter didn't know bout Day-Lewis being involved.

    02-26-2011 | Registered CommenterPeter Georgiou

    @Peter Or maybe, just maybe, they're not really thinking about Daniel Day-Lewis at all....but I hiope they are though ;)

    02-26-2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

    I don't buy Movieholes sources on this for a second. It wouldn't be the first time they've been wrong either. IF Lewis was in contention there's no chance in hell he was the second choice to Viggo. I think Lewis would however make a great Lex or Zod though.

    02-26-2011 | Unregistered Commenter3 of em

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