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    All's Not Great on the 'Superman' Front

    You know, I heard this back when Zack Snyder was first announced, and I did my best to dismiss it through logic, but after hearing this now, months after Snyder was hired, I'm starting to think it's true.

    In Vulture's exclusive report on Guy Ritchie being offered the 300 sequel, Xerxes, they state while the intial plan was to have Snyder direct the follow-up to his 2006 hit, Warner Bros. ultimately had a change of heart.  The possible reason?  Superman.

    One theory is that Warner Bros. needs Snyder to bear down on Superman stat: Insiders say the closely-guarded script for Superman suffers from major third-act problems, and the studio faces a ticking clock on that franchise, legally speaking; if a Superman film isn’t in production by 2013, Warner Bros. loses the rights to the entire Superman franchise and would have to re-license it from its original creators — the estates of Detective Comics writers Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster — at great if not prohibitive expense.

    Call me an optimist, but no matter how many times I hear about the poor nature of this script, I can't help but remember who sheparded this whole project: Christopher Nolan.  Yes, he's busy working on The Dark Knight Rises right now as the man has complete tunnel vision when working on a film.  But it doesn't excuse the fact that he oversaw this project until he handed it off to Snyder.  I can't imagine Nolan putting his name on something that's not to the highest quality.

    Don't forget too, this thing ain't suppose to start filming until July.  As I stated many times, Snyder and whoever else is working on this film have been given a solid eight months to get this thing into shape.  I think that's more than enough time to work out the kinks.

    We shall see.

    Reader Comments (2)

    i too remember hearing these rumors back when snyder was picked. But really if there is any script issues, they do have plently of time before film even starts shooting to get it fixed. Or if they need more time, push the 3rd act stuff to be shot last. Hopefully its all fixed, or this is just bs. I hope the film turns out to be good. The wb really needs it to be right this time and a huge sucess.

    02-16-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    There is always script issues. Vulture mentioned there were script issues months and months ago, IF this is even true, I'm sure between the Nolan Bros, Goyer, and Snyder they can figure it out. The movie has to be in production by 2011 by order of the court, so the movie is happening possible script issues be damned. Although it's interesting to talk about.

    02-17-2011 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Georgiou

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