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    Die Hard 5 Has A Director

    Back in February of last year, Bruce Willis told MTV a fifth Die Hard was in development. At the time everyone dismissed this as Willus' own wishful thinking. Then in May it was revealed that Fox's go to guy for action, Skip Woods was writing the screenplay.

    Last year came and went with nothing else being added to even the Die Hard rumour mill let alone a set in stone release date or official title. Now THR is reporting that Willis himself has apparently found his "yes man" to stand behind the camera and make him look good in the yippee-ki-yay motherfucker title role once again. Commercial director Noam Murro has been brought on board to direct Die Hard 5. Nothing was specified as to whether or not he had signed on for more than one picture.

    Willis has said before that he had plans of doing not only one more sequel but two and then retiring the character for good. At least as far as Willis goes anyways, there's nothing saying Fox doesn't wait five to ten years and then reboot the franchise after the purposed sixth installment should that actually happen as well.

    Considering they've now found their director and plan to start production soon what could this mean for Willis presumed larger role in Stallones Expendables 2 should that actually get off the ground as well?

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