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    Nolan to WB, "Shut Up and Let Bane Mumble"

    I'm already tired of the "I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT BANE'S SAYING!" comments on The Dark Knight Rises prologue and trailer. That, and people who think they're clever to "decipher" the Occupy Wall-Street/99% allegory from one line of dialogue by Anne Hathaway. Because Christoper Nolan, li'l brother Jonah and David Goyer were fucking Nostradamus to know that left-wing bullshit was going down back in early 2009 when they started writing. Ugh. Better prepare yourselves for another seven months of this crap, folks.

    It's not just people on the Internet complaining about Bane. They include Warner Brothers executives and reports THR, helmer Nolan isn't playing ball with adjusting Tom Hardy's muffled vocals at great lengths for us dumb-ass movie-goers to understand what he's saying this July:

    "'Chris wants the audience to catch up and participate rather than push everything at them. He doesn't dumb things down,' says one high-level exec, declining to be named. 'You've got to pedal faster to keep up.'"

    Not to be one of those "In Nolan We Trust" assholes (I can't stand that saying because those jackass fanboys only give Nolan the benefit of the doubt but were it anyone else, they'd scream bloody murder. They should give all directors in charge the benefit of the doubt), but Nolan's a competent filmmaker to know what he's doing here.

    Reader Comments (3)

    IN NOLAN I TRUST! Am I an asshole now Jamie! But seriously I do trust Nolan. Why? Because he's earned it!

    As for Bane's voice I understood him clearly in the trailer. So I don't know what people are talking about!?

    12-20-2011 | Unregistered CommenterA2THEH

    Can't agree with this one. How exactly does making his voice more inteligible "dumb things down", Chris?

    12-20-2011 | Unregistered Commentersacripanta

    The film still has like 6 months before its in the can. Who's to say things won't change between now and then even from bbootleg of the proogue I saw. Bane voice wasn't that hard to get. But didn't nolan mention at ny premire of the prologue that editing isn't finished and they where going to fix some things.

    12-21-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

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