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    From Immortals to Killing Tinkerbell

    In the course of a week, Tarsem Singh went earning goodwill off Immortals to pissing it all away with the trailer to Mirror Mirror.

    He suffers from the same dilemma as his old film-school pal Zack Snyder - ironic given how both are betting the farm on Henry Cavill as their leading man. Visually, he delivers aces in spades. But you'd better hand the guy a good story else the product is fucked no matter how fabulous it looks.

    Fortunately with the success of his Greek epic, his stock is high and position has shifted to him being the one pitched ideas to. "TOLDJA" says in his first post-Immortals success project (Relativity Media hired him for Mirror Mirror before the first footage from Immortals publicly screened) Tarsem has chosen the noir-fantasy Killing On Carnival Row.

    The script, set in a futuristic yet 18th century looking London, is described by those who've read it (read: TMT's own Peter Georgiou) as "Peter Pan meets Sherlock Holmes." In another case of small-world syndrome, it was penned by Travis Beacham, the chap we reported is on Warner Brothers' short-list to write the sequel to the as-yet-released The Man of Steel.

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