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    Who Wants to See Tower Heist in Their Pajamas? 

    Sure, it's a pain in the ass going to the movies. It used to the biggest problem was sitting in front of some asshole that talked during the movie and didn't understand the concept of shutting up. These days finding that guy would be a Godsend compared to the little pricks that spend 90 minutes playing video games with their cell phones or texting instead of watching a movie in a darkened room with hundreds of strangers. Because God forbid they turned off the Goddamn phone. Gasp, indeed.

    Universal is hoping that rage will translate to you being stupid enough to shell out six times the amount of the average movie-ticket just so you can see a big-release in your home (where you can worry about your own damn kids texting, babies crying, etc. instead of someone else's) three weeks after it opens theatrically.

    That's part of an experiment the studio, via their corporate master Comcast, will conduct in Atlanta, Georgia and Portland, Oregon next month, reports the Los Angeles Times. Instead of using some piece of crap they know is going to fail anyway (which yours truly thinks would make the most sense) they're going to make the Brett Ratner-directed, Ben Stiller/Eddie Murphy-starring comedy Tower Heist as their guinea pig. Fork over $60 and you too can see the shenanigans of Stiller, Murphy, Ferris Bueller and Precious as they con the douche from Crimes & Misdemeanors.

    Doesn't matter how hard they try to replace DVD with Blu-Ray on the market, home video sales as a whole are on the decline and studios are desperately looking for a new model that can squeeze as much money as possible out of their products with the rising costs to production and distribution. I'd hate to live to see the day when movie theaters go extinct as the drive-ins did for our parents. Those assholes I vented about notwithstanding, nothing can beat the experience of seeing a movie on the big screen with an audience.

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