"Arrested Development Movie is Happening We Swear!" Update #223452 - But This Time with a Mini-Season!

"Everything that is old is new again" as the saying goes and nothing applies better than the arrested development of the Arrested Development movie and how the Internet, every six months or so when another non-news quote gets dropped by creator Mitchell Hurwitz or someone from the cast (usually Jason Bateman or Will Arnett with rare occasions from David Cross or Jeffrey Tambor) about how this time it’s "really going to happen this time we swear sometime next year!", suffers from Alzheimer's and reports the same bullshit we've heard numerous times before. Followed by absolutely nothing happening - rinse, lather and repeat.
In what at first glimpse looks like them filling their non-news quote quota, Hurwitz and the entire cast reunited at the New Yorker Festival and guess what? They said the movie was happening. Who didn't see that coming? But there's a twist. The plan involves a mini-season comprising of nine-or-ten episodes following each member of the Bluth family and their whereabouts since the series-finale that would transition into the movie. All of this would go down sometime in early 2013.
That's a Hell of a plan. If we hadn't already heard claims that never came to be, the optimistic Arrested Development fan in me would out-weight the questionable "Is this really a good idea?" fan in me. But again, we’ve heard this all before.
Subsequent news dropped, courtesy of EW, that Showtime (who tried to save the series back in 2006 to no success) and Netflix (in a move that would turn their bad-press around in the geek circles) are in talks with 20th Century Fox to take the reign on the mini-season four.
Talked to a reliable buddy of mine who reassures that this time it's for real. It's not that I doubt him. But once again, we've been in this place with this property and these claims from Hurwitz and the actors before. I'll believe it when I see it.
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