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    McG Playing Ouija

    Right before we all left to get shit-faced on eggnog with our families and remind ourselves why we only see these people once, maybe twice, a year, Heat Vision said it was down between Breck Eisner and McG to direct Ouija for Universal.

    Now we're back from the holidays and a few days in 2011, and it's over. McG has been declared victorious in his battle for directorial supremacy, as per "TOLDJA" with negotiations soon to be hammered out.

    The film written by Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis of Tron: Legacy infamy has a November 12, 2012 release and being eyed by Universal as a four-quadrant event film. Production is expected to start this summer.

    Reader Comments (1)

    @Jamie Williams You forgot to mention that Ouija will be produced by Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes. It's ironic that McG is working for Bay after he sayed his Terminator would kick the crap out of Bay's Transformers back in 2009. Oh boy Bay will make him McG his bitch. LOL! Btw I don't like either of them.

    01-5-2011 | Unregistered CommenterA2THEH

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