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    « Devil's Advocate: The Case for David Yates | Main | Duncan Jones Talks Superman Via Twitter »

    Matt Reeves Plays Coy About Superman

    Another director who found themselves on "The List" of directors being considered for the new Superman flick has responded to the news. The good guys over at JoBlo caught up with Matt Reeves in Austin while there for the debut of "Let Me In" at Fantastic Fest.

    The first Reeves said he heard of his attachment to Superman was when a fan came up to him at Fantastic Fest and told him about it. "I was surprised," he told us in an interview that will air next week on the AITH Podcast. "I really have no idea if any of that is true. It's certainly an amazing project, but I would be surprised..."

    To me Reeves was playing this very close to the vest, almost tongue-in-cheek if you go strictly by the quote. I mean he could have the gig, he could have been involved two months ago but not now, he could be still up for it. Who knows? Good thing is that there is finally some news.

    Reeves does seem to be a very likely candidate. I love Duncan Jones for the gig, but I wouldn't mind Matt Reeves either, and it makes a lot of sense. If you remember, his name was brought up with "Wolverine 2" as well. Plus his last name is Reeves. Come on. George Reeves, Christopher Reeve, maybe it's fate?

    So far two of the directors on "The List" have responded to this news, let's see if the remaining three are game.

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