Jon Hamm Responds to "Those Superman Rumors"

Honestly have no idea why our WB Considering Jon Hamm for Superman story resurfaced like it did. We got a lot of coverage when it was originally published back in late July and all of a sudden it sprung back to life last week. Granted said coverage from our colleagues was overall fair – nothing douchey.
But it's interesting to see us as quoted (by some) as saying the Mad Men star had the role locked and/or had met with Warner Brothers/Legendary Pictures when we specifically said otherwise:
"Before anyone starts nerdgasming, keep in mind no deal is in place and there's no indication Hamm and/or his representation has met with WB, Legendary or the Nolan crew. He's one of several names being thrown around the Burbank offices to headline the new Superman franchise. But it gives you an idea of what direction they're looking at."
Thus when Hamm's people (whose job it is to deny any news-item regardless of whether its legit or bullshit) "debunked" it to Entertainment Weekly a few days back, the truth is they didn't "debunk" anything. Some folks just lack reading comprehension skills, I guess. The actor himself at first gave a non-denial/non-answer to Regis & Kelly (It was odd getting a text message from my partner-in-crime Peter Georgiou saying, "our superman news made regis and kathy lee" since I happened to be out of town that day) before giving a definite one it to Jimmy Fallon. That's all perfectly fine and good.
But needless to say, we stand by our original post. We know he's definitely high up on the studio's list of would-be Kal-Els. Whether or not Hamm dons the red and blue suit come Christmas 2012 remains to be seen.
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