Paranormal Activity 2 Poster

On the heels of some truly bizarre hidden footage discovered on their official website earlier this week, Paramount has now released the official poster for Paranormal Activity 2, which was revealed on Fandango earlier today:
It kinda looks exactly like the poster for the original film...just with a new picture. I see they're also continuing their "Demand It!" campaign (I'm not entirely sure if that's necessary this time around) for fans who would like to see the new movie early. The studio is planning advanced screening parties in 20 different cities for the sequel on October 20, so if you're desperate to see it two days earlier than everyone else, just go to to demand your city get a screening.
If you're content with just looking for easter eggs in the poster, there are a few: if you look in the mirror on the left-hand side of the photo, the baby is missing from the crib, the dog's tail is in a different position, and it looks like the rug under the crib is missing.
What the hell that all means, I have no idea (and is this really "the most anticipated horror event of the year"?). But it's been a damn clever marketing campaign so far, and it looks like they're hopefully taking real strides to keep this from being another Blair Witch 2. I think it's odd they haven't even announced a cast yet - the only one currently listed on IMDB is Katie Featherston
Paranormal Activity 2 opens in theaters on October 22nd.
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