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    The Tourist Trailer

    This one has hit written all over it, a remake of the French film "Anthony Zimmer" starring two of Hollywood's biggest stars and directed by the Oscar winning Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, "The Tourist" has went through a few casting and directorial changes but finally a trailer is here.

    The tone is a little lighter than I was initially expecting but this looks like great fun, an old fashioned chase movie in the vein of "North by North West" with beautiful locations, two stars who seem to have chemistry and some action and intrigue thrown in.

    "The Tourist" Opens on December 10th and you can check out the trailer below or go to Yahoo! Movies for the HD version.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Wow! Johnny Depp AND Angelina Jolie! Talk about a couple of One Trick Ponies! That movie is going to do amazing box office, and it's STILL going to suck!

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    09-28-2010 | Unregistered Commenterfe

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