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    Whatever Happened to Tony Manero?

    Similar to Betty White, John Travolta is someone who people never stopped liking (if not loving). It had to do with a weak slate of properties that put his career in the gutter from the mid 80s to early 90s. We’re not talking about a "Fuck that asshole!" mentality with the public unlike say Tom Cruise. So when he had his comeback with Pulp Fiction in '94, everyone was happy to see him back and boy did they enjoy the subsequent films he headlined from then until 2000's Battlefield: Earth.

    Thing is Travolta couldn't maintain his position at the top forever and the past decade was filled again with duds. Hairspray might have his only success in the aughts. Maybe by that point when he reached his 50s, he just said, "Fuck it." Take gigs that pay well and allow him off time to spend with his family – can’t knock the guy for that.

    It’s with that "Fuck it!" mindset What's Playing reports Travolta and Paramount are eyeing a third Ton Manero movie. Saturday Night Fever was, of course, the film that took Travolta from TV star to full-fledged movie stardom and though revisionist history says otherwise, its sequel Staying Alive was actually a hit back in the summer of '83.

    At this early stage, there's no indication whether they have some semblance of a story hatched and/or discussions with outside figures beyond Travolta (i.e. directors, writers, other actors, etc.). But considering how great Rocky Balboa turned out, no one can immediately dismiss this idea.

    Just don't start talking with Sony about Look Who's Talking 4 while you're at it, John!

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