New Sucker Punch Image

A new image has been released from Sucker Punch courtesy of Cruel Films. It got the same reaction outta me like the trailer did: Eh, I don't know, fellas.
Sorry, but the movie looks like ideas pieced together from a first-time filmmaker (in this case, a hyper-active fourteen year-old boy) and his definitions of what's cool. Hot girls not wearing much, samurai swords, robots, dragons and Jon Hamm.
I guess if this clicks, it'll be viewed as the "comeback film" of Zack Snyder after the commercial (but absolutely by no means creative) failure of Watchmen back in March 2009. I know the footage presented at Comic-Con went over great. But don't for a second, think the tastes of a bunch of nerds/geeks/fanboys reflect that of the general public. Did you learn nothing from Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim?!
Reader Comments (1)
No we didn't learn! lol
What fourteen year-old finds Jon Hamm cool?