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    Lancelot is a "Man at Arms"


    In any film I've seen involving the ancient adventures of King Arthur and Camelot - whether it be First Knight or King Arthur, I was always more interested in the character of Lancelot and wondered why he'd never been given a solo film.  Fortunately, it seems that's about to become a reality.

    Heat Vision is reporting Echo Lake has purchased the medieval action script, Man at Arms, written by Jeremy Lott.  While the story is apparently being kept under wraps it is said to involve the adventures of Lancelot following the break up of Camelot.

    No word yet on who wil direct but Echo Lake is said to be looking for a director who can give the film a unique visual style.  My suggestion? Nimrod Antal.  After seeing Predators, the man proved he can direct solid action sequences with a moderate budget, which this film will probably have.

    As for Lancelot...Joseph Fiennes.  Yeah, think about it.

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