I'm Outta Fock Puns - Dustin Hoffman Might Show Up After All!

No amount of negative press of last-minutes reshoots, pick-ups, additional hirings, etc. will change this simple fact. Little Fockers is going to make a lot of dough this Christmas.
The mass movie-going public will eat it up like they did the admittedly-funny original and its atrocious sequel. Ben Stiller will get into another "zany putz" routine, Robert De Niro gives him shit for whatever Three's Company-style scenario they cook up and an animal/small child either farts, shits or pukes. Please just go ahead and greenlight Ow My Balls!: the Movie.
Vulture says Universal may (key word here) bite the bullet and bring Dustin Hoffman in to film new scenes for Little Fockers. The actor refused to come onboard when the producers/studio wouldn't meet his asking price and the standard "scheduling conflicts" excuse was given. But that was said to be for a cameo. If this works out, we're more likely looking at something more than just that. Maybe there'll be a running gag throughout where he farts in De Niro's face?
No idea if the deal will go through. But it doesn’t paint Little Fockers in a positive light if they're turning to Hoffman this late into the game when it could have been avoided early on. But again, what the fuck does it matter? This will be a turd wrapped in pepper-jack cheese and dunked in Chipotle sauce and it's still going to make a killing at the box-office.
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