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    Kung Fu Panda Screenwriters Penning Karate Kid 2

    Sony's hot to get a Karate Kid sequel going ever since the remake high-kicked ass at the box-office. They've been openly taking pitches from anyone in town since its $56 million opening in June.

    Heat Vision reports the screenwriting duo of Ethan Reiff and Cyrus Voris have been assigned the gig. How much of their hiring had to do with the connecting-the-dots of their writing Kung Fu Panda? Not knocking their skills, mind you. Their Nottingham script was said to be a great read before Ridley Scott & Co. decided to take the original "The Sheriff of Nottingham is the good guy" take and turn it into "The truth behind the legend" for Robin Hood.

    One assumes the core cast (Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan and Taraji P. Henson) had options locked into their initial contracts. But there's been nothing to suggest they or director Harald Zwart won't return for second helpings.

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