John Carter of Mars Coming June 8, 2012!

Phil and I were bullshitting about our anticipation for John Carter of Mars before recording this week's Movie Moan podcast. The resident British Gentleman Agent speculated maybe it would join Superman: The Man of Steel for Christmas 2012, or "taking that Avatar slot" as he better put it.
Speaking of which, it'll be interesting to see how audiences' react to Edgar Rice Burroughs' pulp hero (finally) adapted into a big-budget tentpole. Especially when you throw "biggest movie ever!" Avatar into the equation and it’s admitted influence from Burroughs.
We've known for awhile the Mouse had an unspecified 2012 release date penciled in, but nothing beyond that. The studio has officially set Andrew Stanton's live-action directorial debut for June 8, 2012. It'll join an already-stuffed summer including Batman 3, the untitled Star Trek sequel, Sony's Spider-Man reboot, The Avengers and Men in Black 3, to name a few.
Taylor Kitsch (who's headlining two effects-heavy tentpoles that summer along with Universal's Battleship opening mere weeks before Mars) plays the Civil-War veteran transported to the Red Planet.
Like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, I can't wait to see just how this is going to look.
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