Simon Pegg In Talks To Return for Mission: Impossible IV

If this works out, Ving Rhames won't be the only returning supporting player to the Mission: Impossible franchise – speaking of which no word at this time where he stands.
Heat Vision reports Simon Pegg is in talks to reprise his comic-relief role of Benji Dunn for Mission: Impossible IV.
This would make it Pegg's third collaboration with director/producer J.J. Abrams if this pans out, which in all likely hood it will. He also played Scotty in Abrams' Star Trek (a role general movie-goers will forever know him for) and will return for its sequel. That, of course, will make it his and Abrams’ fourth effort then.
Two-time Oscar-winning Pixar alum Brad Bird will make his live-action directorial debut on the latest installment. While no greenlight has been given, production is looking to get going by September.
Gotta love how people tend to re-write history, especially on that last M:I movie. Although the strongest in the series by far, it was a commercial under-performer, thanks to Tom Cruise's ever-growing PR circus. The way you hear people talk about it now, it was a huge cash-cow that everyone loved. I remember trying to talk some buddies of mine to catch the midnight opening that they refused. "I fucking hate Tom Cruise!" was the common answer given.
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