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    I See Naked People

    Yes, a cheap joke. But as you know, I am a cheap man.

    Remember ten years ago when everyone thought Haley Joel Osment was going to be the next Jodie Foster and/or Ron Howard? What the Hell happened? Spielberg's A.I. has grown in quality over time (for my money) and Secondhand Lions was cute. It’s not like the kid turned into Lindsay Lohan, but then again we haven’t seen him onscreen in forever it seems.

    THR says that's about to change. He's set to star in the comedy Sex Ed for commercial director Isaac Feder. He'll play "a college graduate who dreams of teaching high school Algebra but due to budget restraints, ends up teaching sexual education, despite being a virgin. He discovers an unlikely mentor in a blues bar, a ruthless enemy in the local PTA, and a gorgeous Polish girl for whom English is a distant second language."

    Eh, don't want to judge a book by its cover here. Maybe this is one of those quiet little projects that sneaks up on everyone and turned out great. Or its direct-to-video crap. We'll see.

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