Jay Baruchel "Was" Maxwell Lord...
Do you remember Warner Bros on again off again plans for the Live Action "Justice League" movie, Well at a point when it was "on again" according to Teresa Palmer via an interview with MTV Jay Baruchel was attatched to play Maxwell Lord and Palmer was apparently set to play Talia Al Ghul, she said she'd still like to play the role at some point.
The more I here from this project, new news or old, I'm glad it was put into development hell. Now lets just hope it stays there. Doe's anyone really "want" to see an Armie hammer Batman? I know I don't, thats not to say I'm not open to interpretations other then Nolan/ Bales TDK Batman, but I do hope Warner Bros takes a little more time with the casting when they eventually get around to the inevitable 'Justice League' movie which we know is coming, With Marvel kicking DC's ass in Big Screen adaptions and Avengers on its way, they'll have to do something...
Reader Comments (3)
When I hear things like this, it makes me hope this never gets made. Jay Baruchel? Really? He's funny yes, but I can't picture him in a Justice League movie, and I almost forgot about Armie Hammer....That would have been ridiculous, especially with bales batman still technically around, come on WB step your game up!
I don't think we'll hafto worry about Justce League anytime soon...Did you read the story^^ it's in development hell, I think after the Superman reboot, Batman 3, Green Lantern, and maybe even not unitl after Flash and Wonder Woman will we here anything new on it.
I know Bale and Nolan hve said their Batman doesn't exist with other superheros, but whats to say that the next directors vision wont incl Superman or any other heros in the universe they create, Why not have all the Actors in the current Single hero movies play the justice league version of them selves?? Like Marvek with the Avengers...although I find it hard to picture Chris Evans leading Downey and Hemsworth...,
oh yeah great story btw
I agree, we likely won't be seeing a Live Action Justice League anytime soon. I'd like to see them include the current franchise actors at the time it gets made in the JL cast, how likely this is, I dont know, seeing as the most previous casting decisions we heard from the currently dead JL were completely left feild choices.