Cloudy With a Chance of Pickles?

"Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs', what a great movie, and not just as an animated feature but in its own right, you were able to take the kids to it and enjoy it for yourself as well. Sadly it had the misfortune to be released in what was easily one of the best years for animation ever. But I’d call it every bit as good as the other great animated films of 2009.
Pajiba is running a rumor in which they claim Sony Animation is putting Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 into development. The sequel would be based in part on the original book’s sequel, Pickles to Pittsburgh. Does that mean they’ll call the sequel Cloudy with a Chance of Pickles? Somehow it doesn’t have the same ring to it.
If the rumor turns out to be true (and for now it’s totally unconfirmed gossip) then Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller will return for the follow-up. If they follow the story of Pickles to Pittsburgh, the sequel will involve a return to Chewandswallow where Flint Lockwood’s food rain is now being used to feed hungry people around the world.
I'm personally up for it, we've definitely seen much worse and less deserving sequels in the past. No official word yet on when production might start, but I'm thinking before this year ends, to have it out for 2011. We'll see what happens, hopefully an official announcement is coming soon.
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