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    Lorenzo di Bonaventura on Transformers 3 

    I know Michael Bay gets a lot of shit for the Transformers Movies, and well anything with his name attached to it really, but are you honestly not excited for Transformers 3? I go into his movies not expecting a "story" to get in the way of the action, who cares about Shia and his girlfriend when we have giant alien robots/cars kicking each others asses?

    Comingsoonrecently talked to Lorenzo di Bonaventura about Transformers 3, when asked about explaining what he's doing to the director or the studio he said the following:

    "Not with Bay, you know? With Bay, no not too much there either. Bay is such a general that it moves at his pace. The first movie we had to explain a lot of why we wanted to spend this, what was going on… dah dah dah, but most movies in my experience and in most studios they're all running in a difficult time right now and they're concerned about their careers and concerned about the results. I grew up in the Warner Brothers system and our philosophy was once we made our bet, which meant it's up to the filmmakers to deliver it. So it wasn't a particularly intrusive system after once it made its bet. You had to pass a lot of hurdles to get to the go, but once you got there it was like, alright we're here. We've placed our bet and our philosophy at Warner's was you can't direct the movie if you're an executive and you can't write the movie and you can't act the movie, so you know, unless they're going sideways what can you do? It's up to them to elevate it."

    And when asked about John Malkovich's character in T3 he said:

    "You know we don't talk a lot about that script, but he's going to have a lot of interaction with Shia in that movie. And he's got a really fun character. And he's going to bring a really interesting spin to that franchise so it's going to be great" 

    Reader Comments (6)

    I liked both transformers movies

    04-19-2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

    ya so did I, they were awsome, transformers 3 is gonna make 1billion watch, i just hope its not in 3d

    04-19-2010 | Unregistered CommenterAngela

    MB is a tool, he hasnt made a good movie yet...all his hororr remakes are trash and his action flicks are ridiculous, yo dont care about the story?? then why are you watcing the movie? thats fuckin retarded

    04-19-2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark

    I'm not defending Bay, but I wouldn't go as far as to call him a tool. When they made a movie about toys that were alien cars turning into robots, what were you expecting?

    I don't set the bar so high that its impossible to enjoy his movies. I simply shut my brain off while watching them lol.

    And Mark I was being sarcastic about the "story". I respect your right to an opinion, but relax with the intense comments please.

    04-19-2010 | Registered CommenterMitch Anderson

    I hated Transformers 2. I get that it's just an action movie starring robots, but it didn't need to sound like it was written by a group of obnoxious 12-year-old boys on a sugar high. It was just awful. They better make the next film much, much better.

    04-19-2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen Mayhew

    I didn't mind Transformer 2, I think the first one was better for sure. I don't expect much more from Bay really, he sets out to make popcorn flicks and then adds come dialogue after the fact to make it look like a movie.

    I will say though, that I wouldn't mind seeing Bad Boys 3. Those movies fit right into the ridiculous column with the rest of his movies, but they're very entertaining.

    04-19-2010 | Registered CommenterMitch Anderson

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