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    Because You Asked For It, Avatar Returns

    Apparently the studio executives at Fox weren't pleased with the box office numbers of Avatar and they've struck a deal with AMC Theatres for a limited two day re-release of the phenomenon.
    If you couldn't wait until Thursday to own the movie then here's your chance to pay the newly raised 3-D prices that you missed the first time around. Friday and Saturday will have 61 theatres in 29 cities showing the movie that wowed audiences back in December.

    This is the first news I've heard about the re-release so I'm unsure what other moviegoers are thinking on the release. I'll just wait for the Blu-ray and be amazed at the clarity on tv my as I rest a plate on my stomach, downing a cold one.

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    Reader Comments (3)

    OK, that picture is just plain scary.

    04-15-2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen Mayhew

    I didn't think Cameron liked his fans

    04-15-2010 | Registered CommenterMitch Anderson

    Avatar sucked a huge donkey dick, nice article tho

    04-15-2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark

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