More DC Almost News

So, last week we announced the apparent plans for WB to relaunch the Superman brand under some suggested guidelines of none other than Mr. Batman himself, Christopher Nolan. That news came just a day after the announcement that Jonah Nolan, Chris’ little bro, was going to be working with David Goyer on the script for the third installment of the ever so popular Batman franchise. This may actually be a little further along than originally thought. Sources from inside the Gotham camp at WB have said that Jonah has actually already turned in a first draft for the as yet untitled Batman 3, who Chris (Nolan) will be directing.
With Goyer leaving his Flashforward baby in the name of lifting his feature career to higher levels, one might begin to speculate just a little, that, once Batman 3 has been given the attention that it deserves, Goyer (and Jonah) may ride the cape tails on over to The Daily Planet for a treatment of the big guy in blue. An insider at WB mentioned that the studio already has a script with which they’re already very pleased. So, Goyer’s and Nolan’s time spent, if any, would more than likely just be used for tweaking the story to add depth and sophistication to an already well received script.
Of course none of this has been officially said, but it would make sense. With Green Lantern on its way to production, two great Batfilms on the plate and another in the oven and rumored news that we’re going to be hearing announcements soon on solo films for WonderWoman and The Flash, why not serve the public with a slice of Kryptonian pie baked by some of the best in the business right now?
Whether it be by official WB press release, studio leaks or interviews, we expect to hear more on this front in the next few weeks.
Wait a second. Weren’t these five of the original seven original members of the Justice League? Hmmmm.
Reader Comments (2)
This all sounds promising. I'm hoping that we get more news soon.
I want to believe but I've been hurt so many times before :P
I have faith that DC will eventually get movies for each of these characters off the ground but that'll probably be in like 2030 or something.