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    Salt 2 In Search for Director - Phillip Noyce Exits

    Sony might be moving forward on a sequel to their summer hit Salt. But Angelia Jolie will have to be directed by someone other than Phillip Noyce.

    The director tells Movie Hole he won't call "Action!" on Salt 2:

    "Those 3 [alternate] Blu-ray cuts [of the film] represent just about everything I have to offer on Everlyn Salt. If there ever is a sequel, better its directed by someone with a completely fresh take on what I believe could be a totally entertaining and complex series of stories."

    Despite looking generic as shit and opening a week after juggernaut Inception, Salt was a hit for Sony thanks to a hard marketing push and star Jolie working the press circuit to maximum effect. A sequel hasn't been officially announced yet, but it appears highly-likely that won't be the last we see of Everlyn Salt.

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