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    Next James Bond Film Back On? David Arnold Says So!

    For you James Bond nuts out there (and I'm one of them, as you all know!) waiting to hear any positive news towards the next installment, someone just threw us a friggin' bone here. It's just not one you'd expect to hear it from before, say MGM or Eon Productions.

    Speaking to Film Music Magazine, David Arnold (having served as the franchise's go-to composer starting with Pierce Brosnan's sophomore outing Tomorrow Never Dies to Daniel Craig installment #2 Quantum of Solace two years ago) says movement is rolling again on the next film:

    "I haven't thought about it yet. We only just got the news that we're back on. But 'there’s many a slip twixt cup and lip' So I will keep quiet until I get a script and then start writing ideas. I just hope the next one is as good as my favorites, as I think everyone does. And I'm always interested in what Daniel Craig brings to the part. But like most things with movies, if it ain't on the page etc… All I can say is that I'm looking forward to a great script for it, alongside every other Bond fan in the world!"

    Notice how cautious he is not to proclaim this a done-deal. Because he's fully aware MGM has to get their shit in order first, which they are. Finally.

    With any luck, Bond 3 will reach its proposed November 2012 release. Anything beyond that and we can kiss Craig goodbye.

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