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    « Ray Wise Joins X-Men: First Class | Main | Ron Perlman Won't Be In The Hobbit »


    It's an understatement to say that DC Comics is behind Marvel when it comes to live-action adaptations of their more notable characters. DC has had a hell of a time getting anything other than Batman and Superman off the ground  and running. Even their most well known character has been through such developmental crap over the years, that the recent Superman Returns fell below expectations at the box office.

    While the company is primed and ready to release Green Lantern to general audiences, they recently announced plans for other characters like Flash and Wonder Woman to get the big screen treatment. Now, Aquaman joins those potentials to round out what is probably DC's "big six" characters that are recognizable to a majority of people you pass on the street.

    Screen Rant was able to get confirmation from a source at Warner Bros. that the King of Atlantis is in the hopeful stages for his first appearance in a big budget flick. Don't look for this one anytime soon though, as they're eyeing something near 2015 or 2016.

    Leo DiCaprio has been mentioned for involvement, or at least his production studio Appian Way, to help bring this project to life. An estimated budget of around $200 million lingers as the price tag to make such a film.

    I'm sure DC and Warner Bros. are holding all hopes for Green Lantern to be a box office success before moving forward on any of the lesser known characters. $200 million for an Aquaman film that wouldn't bring its cost back is not worth the risk. I would suggest they find out quickly though because Marvel has Prince Namor who could easily sneak up and claim the throne of Atlantis.

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    Reader Comments (2)

    I do hope flash and aquaman will get off the ground in the next few yrs. I hope they get the right folks on board and treat characters right.

    11-30-2010 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    Good stuff as per usual, thanks. I do hope this kind of thing gets more exposure. oahclw oahclw - Moncler Jackets Kids.

    12-15-2011 | Unregistered Commenterersawm ersawm

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