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    Back to the Future Returns to Theaters

    Great Scott!  If you missed the all-too-brief rerelease of Back to the Future in theaters last week, you're getting one more chance to see it on the big screen.  Due to popular demand, AMC Theaters will be bringing the 1985 time travel classic back for one more showing on Saturday, November 6th at 12:30pm. You can find the list of theaters here.

    However, unlike the first two screenings, this final (??) showing will not include the free 25th Anniversary posters (one of which I got last week) or the pre-show trivia contest prizes (one of which I won last week).  Presumably they've simply run out of them from the last week's exceptionally popular screenings.

    Given the popularity, it makes me wonder why Universal didn't go for a bigger re-release here in the US like they did in the UK - where it played for at least a whole weekend and actually cracked the top 10 at the box office, which isn't bad for a 25-year-old movie scheduled for a big blu-ray release in the same month.  When I saw it last week, I heard a lot of people saying that they wished there were more shows or even screenings of the sequels as well.

    Regardless, Back to the Future will be coming back to theaters on Saturday, possibly for the last time for awhile - so if you have the chance to do it, GO.  Even if you've already bought the incredibly awesome new blu-ray box set.  Not only is still one of the greatest movies ever made and still funny as all hell, it is an absolute blast to see it in a theater full of fans.  Definitely don't miss it.

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