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    Jackass 3.5 Hitting Theaters?

    This past weekend Jackass 3D enjoyed enormous amounts of success breaking October box-office records with a $50 million opening weekend. The film stands by far as the most financially successful in the franchise to date, and now Paramount who distributed the film is looking at ways to capitalize of that success for as much as they potentially can. Jackass front man Johnny Knoxville already announced plans for a Jackass 3.5 release, which was set to hit DVD and Blu ray about a month after Jackass 3D's theatrical run, but now it seems as though Paramount would rather take the left-over footage from their most recent release and repackage it for a theatrical run of its own.

    Nothing is set in stone just yet, but 24 Frames says Paramount is considering what to do with all of the material that didn’t make it into the film, and that a second theatrical release is high on their list of options.

    Here’s what Knoxville had to say on the matter:

    We shot two movies’ worth of footage. We have so many bits that we never even turned in to Paramount because we were so swamped with ideas — funny stuff. The bits were just coming out of us left and right.

    Part of me would love to see the left-over footage released in theaters seeing as most of Jackass 3D's gags looked to be shot intentionally with 3D in mind, and releasing it to home video might not put the original intent behind the gags out there. But on the other hand the gags and stunts cut from the film were more than  likely cut for a reason and at best would serve better as an extra on the Jackass blu ray or just on its own as Jackass 3.5 like Knoxville had originally announced. The theatrical release in mind for 3.5 seems more like a cash grab from Paramount more than anything, fuckers.

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