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    The Bourne Vacation

    When it was announced a few days ago Tony Gilroy would step into the director's chair for The Bourne Legacy (he was first commissioned to write the script), it still didn't answer the big question on everyone's mind. Will Matt Damon return as Jason Bourne?

    He's made it crystal-clear (on several occasions) he won’t return without director Paul Greengrass. But it appears the filmmakers and Universal has found a suitable route to go on the fourth installment: just don't include the Bourne character at all and have an entirely new character as the lead.

    Gilroy confirms that's the plan to Hollywood Elsewhere:

    "The easiest way to think of it is an expansion or a reveal. Jason Bourne will not be in this film, but he's very much alive. What happened in the first three films is the trigger for what happens. I'm building a legend and an environment and a wider conspiracy...the world we're making enhances and advances and invites Jason Bourne's return [down the road].

    Everything you saw in the first three films actually happened, and everyone who got into will be rewarded for paying attention. We're going to show you the bigger picture, the bigger canvas. When you see what we're going and see what we're doing it'll be pretty obvious....but Jason Bourne's activities in the first three films is the immediate trigger."

    Creatively speaking, I'm quite intrigued. Can't say audiences will be nearly as interested though. I can already imagine angry movie-goers wanting to know where Jason Bourne is when his name is clearly on the title of the film.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Great job on the title for this article :)

    10-11-2010 | Unregistered CommenterJon

    Why make a fourth Bourne movie if your lead actor won't be returning? Even worst the title character won't even be in the damn movie! I hope this bombs! It probably will. The last thing I want to hear from the dialouge is "Your the new Jason Bourne". Ugh!

    10-11-2010 | Unregistered CommenterA2THEH

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