Green Lantern Gets the Greenlight, Baby!
"In brightest day, In blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight!"
That phrase not only applied to the rogues gallery for Green Lantern, but also its at-time sluggish development hitting the silver screen. From time and again, it looked like it wasn’t happening with the multiple changes of directors, screenwriters and even filming locations. In fact, we still don’t know who will be in the damn movie – except for its lead Ryan Reynolds.
But fear not! Now confirmation on the production receiving the so-oh-vital greenlight from Karen Goulekas (the visual effects supervisor on the Martin Campbell-directed/Reynolds-starring comic book tentpole) via her Keg F/X blog:
Green Lantern got the official green light today! And not a second too soon - only 10 weeks out from shooting!
While it's great news we are a go - now we have to actually get our prep done in 10 weeks!
With that in mind, we should expect official news on casting soon enough.
Reader Comments (2)
It is about time.
I agree.. I am Iron-man-excited for this one.. and that's saying a lot