Big Terminator Blow Out Sales! All Franchise Rights Must Go Now!

Just over a month back, rumors emerged that Arnold Schwarzenegger had been approached to buy up the Terminator rights from its current owners Halcyon. They’re the production company that you’ll remember had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
Now The Wrap confirms that indeed the franchise is up for grabs to the highest bidder. The problem is how much is it honestly worth at this juncture? Their financial advisors are under the impression that its net-worth exceeds the reported $30 million they forked over two years ago.
Now I realize I am no expert in any way, shape or form. But the reason Halcyon is even in this situation at the moment is due to Terminator: Salvation not being the blockbuster most (yours truly included) thought it’d be. As well as the mountain of debt they couldn’t pay off. So that logic does not compute.
Cut to fans screaming, “James Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd should buy it back!” Cameron’s too busy running 20th Century Fox right now…err…making Avatar. Sorry. With the overall lack of advertising from the film (that may or may not make your eyeballs explode depending on its awesomeness), you’d swear he was. On the other hand, I could see Hurd getting a hold of it again, or at least making a bid. I’m sure she could make something worthwhile outta the franchise again.
But when everything is said and done, it’s still a moot point. Nobody cares about Terminator anymore.
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