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    By the Power of Grayskull, Get He-Man a Home!

    Now that Warner Brothers is getting their shit together with DC Entertainment (as well as the final two Harry Potter films and the two-part Hobbit), looks like there isn't a place for He-Man and the gang from Masters of the Universe. Sounds like good old "creative differences" reared its ugly head as the studio decided to let its option expire. Now Mattel is off to find someone else willing to break their piggy-bank to get this made.

    Tagging along with them is John Stevenson who was lined up for his live-action directorial debut by the Brothers Warners and producer Joel Silver (whose now off the project as well). This is all according to Variety.

    Strike that. Latino Review flat out called this just under a year ago. Not word-for-word obviously. But in their own article detailing the shenanigans going on, they revealed that the studio was never really that keen on the property, couldn't successfully get a "big-name" director attached and the key executives who championed the new He-Man film left for greener pastures.

    So props to El Mayimbe for hitting the nail with the hammer on this one.

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