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    'The Stepfather' Trailer

    This one seems to have leaked online much the same as the 'Whiteout' trailer Sean posted the other day, this time were the ones to get hold of it. It's a remake of an 80's horror/thriller in which the Stepfather role was played by none of other than Locke from LOST!.....I mean Terry O'Quinn, this time the murderous Stepfather is played by 'Nip/Tuck' star Dylan Walsh. The trailer has echoes of 'Disturbia' and is clearly a glossy PG-13 deal that will no doubt do solid-forgot about in 2 weeks-business when it's released in October.

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    Now this is a remake that I DON'T have a problem with. The stepfather isn't a established character like Michael Meyers, Freddy Kruger, etc. He's just a serial killer with "Daddy Issues" -- It doesn't need to be the same 'character' for the remake and/or sequels. I agree with Rob's prediction for this film.

    I'm not sure if I'd plunk down 10 bucks to see it though.

    06-18-2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

    Man, you're right. Was that trailer cut by the same guy who did the "Disturbia" trailer?
    Could be worth a rental, though.

    06-18-2009 | Registered CommenterSean Gerski

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