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    Picture of Robert Downey Jr. In Costume Released

    Jon Favreau has been steadily releasing photos from the set of "Iron Man 2," and that's a good thing.

    So here is another, courtesy of People Magazine, that shows Robert Downey Jr. in his Iron Man gear:

    According to On Location News, Iron Man is taking a doughnut break in the hole of a giant doughnut shop sign in L.A. Nick Fury asks Iron Man if he would like some coffee with his doughnuts.

    Anyway, there are more pics like this, and a few of Nick Fury, collected here, but they all have "ON LOCATION NEWS" written all over them.

    My only real thought, though, is been there, seen that. I am looking forward to pics of Mickey Rourke or Scarlett Johansson in costume much more.

    But, on the upside, it is good to see that the movie is actually being made. We can't say that of all of the comic book movies being bandied about and endlessly postponed.

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