Is Mad Max 4 Moving Forward? Apparently, Yes!
I'll admit it. I.was.wrong!
Around lunch-time, I was writing up an article about the Australian publication Daily Telegraph reporting that Mad Max 4 was a go with George Miller back at the helm (and already scouting locations and meeting with "specialised technicians") but without the presence of Mel Gibson as the title character. Granted Miller told the MTV Movies Blog a few months back that the film would be done as a 3-D anime production instead.
Then mid-sentence, I stopped and thought to myself, "This is fucking bullshit!" and deleted said article before publishing it. Why? Because some Australian out-lets have had a bad reputation for literally re-posting old news-items and/or quotes and presenting them as new. They did so regarding the cinematic abortion formerly known as Justice League: Mortal a year ago - among others. That, and this honestly sounded like 100% Grade-A Internet bullshit.
Cut to: Me having egg in my face.
Aint-It-Cool-News big-cheese Harry Knowles has come out and confirmed (via his Aussie informants) that yes Mad Max 4 is a go. Like Drew "Moriarty" McWeeny (formerly of AICN and now HitFix), Harry knows his shit. If you'll remember, he was the one who broke the casting news of Christian Bale headlining Terminator: Salvation as John Connor.
The news of Gibson being off isn't a surprise. Although I'm rather curious if the decision to move on was made by ol Mel or George Miller. Who wants to make a $200+ million production with a lead actor whose still yet to get back in the public's good graces - what with the drunken anti-semitic remarks and all. Meh - maybe that's just me...
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