Hugh Jackman Headlining Real Steel

Fighting robots have proven to be winners for DreamWorks in the past. Both Transformers took a bite out of the box-office with a third one on the way for 2011. The newly Paramount-less studio has greenlit its first production Real Steel and they’ve now got their lead actor lined up.
Hugh Jackman will headline the sci-fi actioner being directed by Shawn Levy. It’s basically the classic Rise from the Gutter/Comeback Boxing story except the “boxers” in question are giant robots with Jackman being the human promoter who finds a discarded robot with spunk. What’s a sports movie without a little kid rooting our heroes on? Plot twist coming, Jackman’s promoter finds out he has a son and they bond over the course of the film.
I realize this is based on an old Richard Matheson story. But am I only person who thinks this sounds stupid as Hell? The Beard himself is said to be keeping an eye on the production so we can expect the usual Spielberg-isms throughout the film.
Filming is expected to commence this coming June. I guess this means that Wolverine sequel isn’t as far along as we first thought. Guess this means we won’t see Logan return till 2012 at the earliest. Like anyone cares about the X-Men film franchise at this point.
Reader Comments (3)
I and many others, as it might be suprising for you, are waiting for another X-Men movie, so don´t generalize, please. And I am pretty sure that if Brad Pitt or Will Smith would announce this as their next projects, it would be "cool" and "original".
Nope. It would still be shit. No matter who was attached.
The general public sure isn't clamoring for another X-Men film.